I go through periods where I hate nursing a toddler. It's way different than a baby. Sure he gets calories and nutrition but it's mostly comfort. Additionally I equate it to slim fast or ensure because it's a meal replacement and Evan is satiated at dinner time but then hungry all night.
So here is where we are. I nurse him when we get home after work cuz he is usually both stressed and misses me. It's ok and I don't hate feeding him then. I don't like feeding him every ten minutes because he wants it. When I'm off work with him, I'm an all you can eat buffet. I've finally started saying no to him and telling him milk is for night time and nap time. Then I offer him something to drink or eat. Today was one of the first times it worked.
I have tried and failed at night weaning. But we are slowly making progress there. He drinks milk for a bit then I cut him off and comfort him to sleep. He no longer nurses to sleep and that's a huge victory.
Only time will tell but weaning has officially begun. Now instead of the awkward you are still breastfeeding conversation, I can say I'm weaning.