Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Baby Rampage

During dinner tonight Evan decided he had had enough and thus begun his reign of terror. He threw his food everywhere, which is not unusual but this was with anger. I was upset that he didn't eat much, he was just upset.
I gave him a bath to calm him down. Usually he is in there a good 20 minutes, I put extra bubbles in so he could be distracted and play. No use. He climbed out mid hair washing and said "bye". I had to torture him to rinse his hair. Bye.
He brought me shoes and needed to run around naked with only shoes on for 20 or so minutes.
I was still worried that he hadn't eaten because it would mean no sleep for me because he would want to nurse all night long. I gave him a yogurt and he ate half of it before trying to rip the spoon out of my hands. He then yelled "I do it, Mommy!" First sentence? Ended with mommy? How could I resist. He also tried to give me bites of yogurt so there was a moment of sharing. We got covered in yogurt but it was totally worth for both the sentence and the independence.
Bedtime was a challenge. The child would not calm down. After putting him to bed twice, I resorted to a movie. He sat still for 15 minutes, grabbed my hair and went to sleep. And thus the baby rampage was over, 2 hours after it had begun.