Thursday, March 14, 2013

2 year old logic: Spider-man

Last night story time was rather sad for Evan. He came to the realization that he in fact is not Spider-man, yet.
Everyday when I pick him up after work, I am greeted with imaginary webs shot from imaginary web blasters. Evan has been wearing the same spiderman shirt for 2 day and 2 nights. It is not just any spidey shirt either. It is spiderman's costume and thus Evan gets to be spiderman (well he gets to me Peter Parker because he doesn't have a mask. Nothing gets past this kid.) His favorite toy in the whole world is a stretchy lizard that he has named "Dr. Curt Connors". Let's just say the boy is obsessed. There are 4 major obstacles that Evan has decided that stand in his way of being Spider-man.
1. He does not have spidey gloves and therefore he does not have web blasters. He is very upset so maybe he'll get some for his birthday, he said "I'll never be spiderman." and pouted forever.
2. He's not big and old enough. He has to grow up to be spiderman.
3. He doesn't have a mask. Without it he can only be Peter Parker, who he is also going to be.
4. He doesn't have the right blue pants like spidey. (I'm basically a horrible mom for putting him in red ones.)
Hopefully one day Evan will grow up to be spiderman and his gymnastics classes will pay off.