Monday, February 27, 2012

Things kids say

I am happy to report that Evan now speaks in full sentences. Most of his sentences are not pretty, like "Elmo, quack quack, watch it." But he is truly a social being and loves to make impressive conversation starters.
Some noteworthy things he has said lately. I must also say his enunciation and pronunciation skills are amazing as well.

  • Mom, can I have a piece of cheese?
  • Look, <<whispers>> the baby is crying.
  • The yo gabba gabbas are sleeping.
  • Oh a book, read it.
  • Eww, what is this?
He says a great many things right now, but I can't wait til he until he is 3 or 4. Preschoolers say the best stuff.
In the past couple weeks, I have been able to spend a lot of time with my little little sister and what she says amazes me too. I wish I could remember it all.
  • My dad has a lot of medals and trophies, he is very lucky.
  • When Evan bit her (we are still working on that.) She said "It's ok, I'll just have to get used to it."
  • She turned on the lights for me, and said "Is that the spot?" Meaning is that good, not that we were looking for a spot.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Extended Breastfeeding: Go the F*ck to sleep.

You just nursed for 2 hours, you're not hungry get off me, now go the fuck to sleep.

I wish the book included that line, but it seriously does not describe the worst night Evan and I have had in his young life. Early this week, his 16th tooth came in and according to baby books, it should be smooth sailing. When he is not teething, he sleeps well. (He can even sleep from 10 to 5 without milk.) I was so delighted to no longer have hour long night nursing sessions and looking forward to better sleep.
Insert, growth spurt and no nap. Well I'm not 100% sure but judging by his appetite for both food and milk, overall crankiness and poor sleep, I came to the conclusion. Also when my child does not nap, he sleeps too early.
The calm before the storm.

Despite the 2 hour super late nap, he did go to bed at his normal time. Then at 12:00 all hell broke loose. Last night my child was attached to the boob for 6 hours with 15 minute breaks. At one point I turned on TV so he could be entertained while I hid my boobs. I needed to sleep, but what I really wanted to do is take a shower. I wanted him to sleep long enough for me to sneak out of bed and wash my hair. Plan did not work and I ended up taking him to the shower with me so I didn't look like a dirty wreck at work today.
Some moment of clarity made me get him dressed at 5 am since we were already up. He finally went to sleep after the shower. So I had one hour of rest.
The poor guy wanted to sleep in this morning, mommy doesn't care. Time for you to sleep in a crib. (In a perfect world)