Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Humble Pie and other things

There are several things that I said that I would and would not do as a parent when I was pregnant.

  1. Cosleeping. I desperately wanted Evan to sleep in a crib. We tried, but he has not slept a single night in his crib. He used to sleep in a bassinet. I did it right, I would put him down sleepy but awake and he would drift off to sleep. That did not last. He nurses a lot at night. A LOT. At a year old, he nurses about 3 times in the night. Some nights, he will nurse all night. In order to get more sleep, I let him sleep in our bed and it works out fine for us. He doesn't fall out of bed that often, and lately when he falls he lands on his feet just like a cat.
  2. Pacifier. As much as I didn't want one in the beginning, I don't know what I would do with out one. He needs his pacifier.
  3. Sippy Cups of Milk. I hate milk spills and stinky cups. I intended to give him milk in a regular cup, but we are busy people and its easier to have a sippy cup.
  4. TV. The television is on a lot. Evan is still a genius.
Some things I did right and stuck to my guns with.
  1. No walker. He doesn't need one. Walkers do not help babies walk sooner. We had a jumperoo and used it between 4 and 7 months, he enjoyed it but just stopped using it.
  2. Naked time. As Evan is getting older and doesn't pee all the time, we let Evan go diaper free sometimes.
  3. Only breastmilk in a bottle. Well sometimes he got formula, but he never received anything else from the bottle. I judge moms that give their kids pop and kool-aid in bottles. So unnecessary. 
  4. Juice and sugary drinks. The epidemiologist in me knows the link between sugar sweetened beverages and obesity. So unless Evan is constipated or dehydrated, no juice. 
  5. Sippy cups at one. Evan stopped taking a bottle a week before his first birthday, and we haven't looked back.
  6. Snacks in the car. Hello? choking hazard.
  7. Carseat. Evan only knows rear facing, and always rides in car seat.
And the unexpected.
  1. Crawling around stores. Evan is at an age where he one, has no attention span or patience and two, likes to explore. With that bad combination, he needs to get down in stores. So if I'm not on an epic grocery trip, I let him crawl a bit while I shop. He loves it. I get dirty looks, but he loves it.
  2. Cloth diapering. I love it.
  3. Baby wearing. I love it, Evan doesn't.
  4. Pooping on the potty. Who knew I could get a one year old to sit and poop in the morning?
In a year, I think I have this parenting thing under control. I'm sure there will be other things that come up in the future that I never wanted to do as a parent, but parenting involves being flexible.


  1. Right there with you except for the pooping, and naked time. Cole is still too unpredictable for much wandering around sans diaper. And I'm surprised he doesn't mind the occasional still gets big smiles.

  2. Kyle, We have hardwood floors and leather couches. We have had mishaps but they clean up easily. Once I caught him pooping on the stairs!
