Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I'm raising a genius

Evan is just 2 years old but if you ask him he'll say 6. I have to say he's pretty accurate. Everyday he does something that amazes me.
1. He knows his basic colors, and will test you on it.
2. He knows basic shapes. And combine that with the colors you have yourself a game.
3. He uses directional words like above, behind, under, etc.
4. He lies.
5. He can count to 15.
6. He uses his imagination. I love eaves dropping on conversations between his animals.
7. He has an awesome memory. I can't bribe him with the zoo or seeing someone because he'll hold me to it.
8. He follows social cues and tells you that you are pretty, or asks about your day.
9. He can dress himself (shirt and shorts).
10. He can use my phone and switch between apps, and lock it when he's done.
He still can't color in the lines but there is always tomorrow.

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